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Justification September 5, 2008

Posted by Jeremy in John Piper, puritan prayers, Thoughts and Theology.

I’ve been going through this book called Justification Vindicated by Robert Traill.  It’s been a good read and has actually been challenging me a bit on various points he makes throughout the book.  It’s a pretty short read and broken down well.  Here a little snippet from a chapter I recently finished.

The chapter is called Advantages of the True Doctrine of Justification.  In it he has several subtitles that he then elaborates on.  The one I wanted to share with you comes from the subtitle called ‘It (justification) is that doctrine only by which a convinced sinner can be dealt with effectually’.  In it he is explaining an interaction you might have with a person who asks the question “what must I do to be saved”.  

“If he should say, ‘What is it to believe on Jesus Christ?’, I find no such question in the Word.  All did in some way understand the notion of it: the Jews that did not believe on him (John 6:28-30); the chief priests and Pharisees (John 7:48); the blind man (John 10:35).  When Christ asked him, “Believest thou on the Son of God?”. he answered, ‘Who is he, Lord, that I may believe on him?’  Immediately, when Christ told him, verse 37, he does not say, ‘What is it to believe on him?’ but, ‘Lord, I believe’, and worshipped him.  And so he both professed and put into practice faith in him.  So the father of the lunatic (Mark 9:23-24), and the eunuch (Acts 8:37).  They all, both Christ’s enemies and his disciples, knew that faith in him was a believing that the man Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God, the Messiah, the Saviour of the world, so as to receive, and look for salvation in his name (Acts 4:12).  This was the common report, published by Christ and his apostles and disciples, and known by al that heart it.
If he still asks what he is to believe, tell him that he is not called to believe that he is in Christ, that his sins are pardoned, and he is a justified man; but that he is to believe God’s report concerning Christ (1 John 5:10-12), and this record is that God gives (that is, offers) to us eternal life in his Son Jesus Christ, and that all that with the heart believe this report, and rest their souls on these glad tidings, shall be saved (Rom. 10:9-10).  And thus he is to believe that he may be justified (Gal. 2:16).”

Here are some videos that are along this same line.


1. jondouthit - September 11, 2008

I love those videos. Especially the second, elaborating on why faith is the vehicle God has chosen to convey grace. I thought about this last year: that God would not only take the only virtue that is completely universal – everyone has the capacity for faith, if they will but fall down – but that He would also choose the emptiest of virtues, in which abides nothing but weakness, desperation…and hope, in something greater than one’s self.

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